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Clean vs Dirty: why won't the US House get it?

By Jonathan A. Scott, follow Jon on Twitter - @jscottnh Today the U.S. House is engaged in all-out debate on the merits of yet another bad bill that is all too likely to pass along party lines. Backed by a long list of outfits I sure wouldn't trust to protect my water ( Big Ag, Dirty Coal, the
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Finally Managing Groundwater

By Jennifer Clary, California Program Manager The California Legislature ended its 2014 session on Friday evening by adopting the first comprehensive groundwater regulation in the state’s 164-year history. SB 1168 (Pavley) and AB 1739 (Dickinson) provide a framework for managing the state’s
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Where will you be on September 21st?

By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director - Follow Lynn on Twitter Climate change is impacting us. And it’s not good. Pollution from power plants and other sources is affecting our food…our air…our water. It’s super-sizing things like hurricanes and droughts. If we don’t take action, it’s only
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A New Water Bond for California

By Jennifer Clary, California Program Manager Earlier this week, the Governor and Legislature reached near unanimous agreement on a $7.54 billion water bond for the November 2014 ballot that responds to the state’s deepening drought conditions. This bond (now Proposition 1) replaces an extremely
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Organizing for Clean Water

By Paula Weiner, Pittsburgh Phone Organizer Legacy. That's what first attracted me me to apply for a job with Clean Water Action. While aiding others in the choice between a blue scarf and a purple one is important in its own way, I am finding that the ability to leave a lasting difference on our
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