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By Paula Weiner, Pittsburgh Phone Organizer
Legacy. That's what first attracted me me to apply for a job with Clean Water Action.  While aiding others in the choice between a blue scarf and a purple one is important in its own way, I am finding that the ability to leave a lasting difference on our beleaguered planet is more rewarding than I could ever have imagined.  Being a canvasser is not an easy job,  especially when you consider what Clean Water Action is up against.
The people and companies responsible some of the most horrendous acts damaging the earth are well funded and deeply connected, so when I pick up the phone at Clean Water Action, one of my goals is to broaden the base of Earth's stewards.
Our members run the gamut from school teachers and scientists, to students and nuclear-power-plant employees and everything in between. The most important thing is the care we all have for our solitary planet. Water is the most basic, fundamental necessity we have and I don't know why it is so scary for the companies that wage war against us. No wait, I do know why: GREED.  That's the bottom line sometimes, greed.
So every time when I go to pick up the phone and call a member, I know one of the things I love the most is being able to impart the difference we can make as a group of concerned citizens. We, who care about each other, care about the planet, and want to leave a legacy.
I have the honor of seeing and talking to many of our members on a frequent basis. In that sense, they're part of my community and I get to see how their families are doing, how their lives are progressing, all the while making a difference by combining our forces of involvement. That united care and involvement is another reason I love working for Clean Water.
There's an advertisement that states "The Marines:  the toughest job you'll ever love" - I beg to differ. I don't think going to war and hurting others is something I could ever love.  Helping to heal the earth,  nurture the planet, and, by extension, sharing that love with everyone around me, that is the tough job I can love.