Maryland Organizing Director
Jennifer is a lifelong Maryland resident who grew up next to the Catoctin Mountains in Frederick, graduated from St. Mary's College of Maryland on the beautiful St. Mary's River, and now lives in Baltimore City. Before joining Clean Water Action in 2016, Jennifer worked as the Environmental Programs Organizer at the Center for Grace-Full Living in East Baltimore, where she coordinated community gardens, taught environmental education, and organized rain garden and other stormwater remediation projects. Jennifer has also been active in a wide variety of environmental and human rights campaigns in Baltimore, and as Maryland Organizing Director, she works to build networks and power in communities throughout Maryland to protect our health and environment.
2024 Maryland Factsheets
60 organizations call for passage of the Reclaim Renewable Energy Act in 2024
Factsheet: HB486/SB125 (Superfund NPL Disclosures)
There are 21 sites in Maryland on the Superfund’s National Priorities List: EPA’s list of the most hazardous contaminated sites in the country identified for long-term study and remediation
Factsheet: HB166/SB146 (Reclaim Renewable Energy Act)
For over a decade, Maryland has misclassified trash incineration - the most polluting method of producing energy - as "renewable," diverting subsidies away from real renewable energy like wind, solar