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Welcome to We All Live Downstream: a Clean Water Action Podcast.

In each episode, we will be interviewing leading environmental and clean water activists about their work in the field. We’ll dive deep into topics from drinking water and climate change to environmental justice, plastic pollution, and toxic chemicals.

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Written, Produced and Edited by Jenny Vickers Chyb and Johnathan Berard

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Click here for the full episode list with transcriptions.










Season 3 - Episode 4: Climate Change & Sparking Change~Empowering Our Youth with Omesa Mokaya.  This episode features an interview with Omesa Mokaya who leads Clean Water Action’s Youth Action Collaborative in Massachusetts. Omesa grew up in the Kisii highlands in Western Kenya where he witnessed firsthand the devastating impacts of climate change and made it a personal mission to help communities adapt to and enhance their resilience towards those impacts. Omesa’s work with the Youth Action Collaborative aims to empower the next generation of environmental leaders by providing them with organizing skills. The program supports youth from Environmental Justice communities who are disproportionately impacted by environmental degradation.


Season 3 - Episode 3: A Conversation About Water with Mari Copeny, 16-Year-Old Activist and Philanthropist. In this podcast episode, Jenny Vickers and Clean Water Action Michigan State Director Sean McBrearty chat with the incredible youth activist and philanthropist Mari Copeny - aka Little Miss Flint - who is on the front lines of tackling America's water crisis head on and helping kids to embrace their power through equal opportunity. When the Flint Water Crisis began instead of feeling helpless Mari decided to use her voice to help her community and to fight for the kids in Flint. 



Season 3 - Episode 2: Women Leading the Way – The Fight for Safer Products, Safer Chemicals, and a Healthier Future for All. In this podcast episode, Jenny Vickers interviews Mia Davis and Cindy Luppi, two environmental advocates working to keep toxic chemicals out of everyday products. 



Season 3 - Episode 1: Celebrating Black History Month with Rev. Vernon K. Walker. In recognition of Black History Month, we are featuring the stories of Black leaders in the environmental movement. Today, we chat with Reverend Vernon K. Walker, MA Climate Justice Program Director at Clean Water Action. Reverend Walker has over a decade of social justice organizing experience in the Boston area with a focus on the intersections of racial and climate justice. Rev. Walker currently is a graduate student at Tufts University pursuing a Master's in Public Policy degree with a focus on environmental justice. He is an alumnus of Boston University where he earned his first master degree in Theological Studies.


Episode 30: Victory for Environmental Justice: Minnesota's New Cumulative Impacts Law: Today's episode features two incredible Environmental Justice organizers: Sasha Lewis-Norelle, environmental health and justice organizer for Clean Water Action, and Carolina Ortiz, associate executive director for COPAL, an organization that leads social impact initiatives to improve the quality of life for Latin American families. Sasha and Carolina discuss Minnesota's new Cumulative Impacts law and the critical work they are doing to protect frontline communities from harm.


Episode 29: PFAS Victory in Minnesota Featuring the Mama Bears! In today’s episode, we feature the story of three incredible women who not only stood up against powerful industry but challenged the status quo in politics - working tirelessly across party lines and refusing to play partisan games - to pass one of the strongest laws in the nation to protect people from PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ in Minnesota. You’ll hear from three incredible advocates who call themselves the Mama Bears: Avonna Starck, Clean Water Action’s Minnesota State Director, Andrea Lovoll, Legislative Director at Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, and Jennifer DeJournett from Ballot Box Strategies. 

Episode 28: Get to Know Clean Water’s New CEO! Jeff Carter:  In this episode, we are pleased to have Clean Water Action's new CEO & President Jeff Carter! Prior to joining Clean Water, Jeff led Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), a physician-led organization in the US working to protect the public from the threats of nuclear proliferation, climate change, and environmental toxins. Our conversation with Jeff covers his vision for Clean Water, his background and success stories with PSR, and why every community has a right to safe, clean and affordable drinking water. This is an episode you don't want to miss! 

Episode 27: Women in Water: “When the well's dry, we know the worth of water.” We are excited to feature a special Women in Water podcast in celebration of Women's History Month! Hear from three incredible leaders in the Clean Water Movement: Deirdre White of ASDWA and Source Water Collaborative, Lynn Thorp of Clean Water Action and Source Water Collaborative, and Jennifer Peters of Clean Water Action. They chat about their passion for water, current work, and advice for women thinking about a career in water. 

Episode 26: Black Leaders in the Clean Water Movement. Clean water is a human right - not a privilege. We are excited to feature Black leaders in the Clean Water movement in honor of Black History Month! Hear from two incredible environmental leaders: Kjia Rivers, Policy Advocate at Community Water Center and Ngodoo Atume, Water Policy Analyst at Clean Water Action. Both are doing innovative and impactful work in the field of groundwater and nitrate management, while ensuring Environmental Justice communities most impacted have a voice and seat at the decision-making table. 


Episode 25: Celebrating 50 Years of the Clean Water Act. For the past 50 years, Clean Water Action has worked to uphold and strengthen the Clean Water Act and make sure the Act works the way it’s supposed to. Clean Water Action works every day to ensure everyone has access to safe water for drinking, fishing, and swimming and to help improve water quality and make sure our most vulnerable communities have access to clean water as well. That’s why your support is so critical right now. As a non-profit organization, Clean Water Action relies on donations to do this incredible work. Today, to talk more about the Clean Water Act and some of the clean water initiatives you can support today are Thea Louis, Clean Water Action’s national water projects coordinator and Sean Jackson, national water projects manager. 

Episode 24: Planning for the Worst: How to Keep Our Communities Safe From Toxic Spills. Right now, the majority of the country has no plan in place for storm related toxic chemical leaks. Luckily, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed a new regulation called the Worst Case Discharge Rule to require chemical storage facilities to create a plan for discharges that are created by storm events. Today to discuss this topic, we are joined by Maya Nye, Federal Policy Director for Coming Clean,  and Sean Jackson, Water Programs Coordinator for Clean Water Action. 


Episode 23: Sustainable Investing: Save Money & Save the Planet. Whether you're currently an investor or looking to invest, learn more about how sustainable investing can help you fight climate change and protect clean water, while also earning you money. Today's podcast features a conversation with Zach Stein, Cofounder of Carbon Collective, Vicki Benjamin, President and Co-founder of Karner Blue Capital and Jon Scott, Director of Corporate Relations and Legacy Gifts at Clean Water Action.  Clean Water Action recently launched a new member benefit, a sustainable cash management solution that lets you earn more on your cash and do it in ways that are good for our water and our climate.


Episode 22: PFAS - How to Tackle Forever Chemicals with Cindy Luppi, New England Director, Clean Water Action and Sarah Woodbury, Director of Advocacy, Defend our Health. In this episode, we talk about toxic PFAS 'Forever Chemicals.' Found in everything from pizza boxes to firefighting foam, PFAS are resistant to heat, water and oil. With an ability to move through the environment, they can contaminate soil and water supplies. As a result it's estimated that PFAS are now present in 99% of American's blood. With links to issues including cancer and kidney disease the worldwide historic use of these forever chemicals has resulted in a public health crisis. 


Episode 21: Environmental & Racial Justice with Maurice Sampson of Clean Water Action. Black History Month is every month at Clean Water Action. That's why we are excited to feature the stories of Black leaders in the environmental movement. Today, we chat with Maurice Sampson, Clean Water Action's Eastern Pennsylvania Director. Maurice is a life-long environmentalist, Philadelphia’s first recycling coordinator, a national recycling advocate, and Delaware Valley entrepreneur. He served on the National Clean Water Action Board of Directors for 25 years before becoming our Eastern Pennsylvania Director where he leads Environmental Justice campaigns.



Episode 20: Black History Month - The Environmental Justice Movement with Vernice Miller Travis - February 21, 2022

In recognition of Black History Month, we are featuring the stories of Black leaders in the environmental movement. Today, we chat with Vernice Miller Travis, the Executive Vice President for Environmental and Social Justice at Metropolitan Group and Vice Chair of Clean Water Action’s Board. Vernice is the co-founder of WeACT for Environmental Justice, and a national environmental justice champion who lifts the voices of those most impacted by environmental harm. 

Episode 19: Give the Gift of Clean Water - Why Your Support Matters - November 29, 2021

Give the gift of Clean Water this holiday season! Your support matters. Listen to a very special #WeAllLiveDownstream podcast featuring two incredible supporters of Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund: Marilyn Allan and Ali Dysard of Mom's Organic Market. They talk about the issues they are passionate about and why it's important to support Clean Water now and for the future. Donate today: 

Episode 18: GreenLatinos - Mariana Del Valle Prieto Cervantes and Ean Thomas Tafoya - October 28, 2021

In today’s episode we chat with Mariana Del Valle Prieto Cervantes and Ean Thomas Tafoya two incredible environmental activists with Green Latinos, a national non-profit which convenes a broad coalition of #Latino leaders committed to addressing national, regional and local #environmental, natural resources and #conservation issues that significantly affect the health and welfare of the U.S. #Latinx community. 

Episode 17: Agriculture, Water & Health - September 15, 2021

In today's episode, we discuss the impacts big agriculture has on our water, health, environment and communities - and what we can do to support more sustainable practices, enact stronger clean water policies, and hold the industry accountable. We’re covering the country from the East Coast to the West Coast with three special guests: Emily Ranson, Clean Water Action’s State Director in Maryland; Steve Schultz, Clean Water Action’s Water Program Coordinator in Minnesota; and Ngodoo Atume, Clean Water Action’s Water Policy Analyst in California. 


Episode 16: Children At the Center - Nse Witherspoon of Children’s Environmental Health Network - June 24, 2021

This year’s pandemic and climate-related crises illuminated the gaps in our nation’s public health system, environmental justice issues, and the racism that persists in our structures and systems. All of these issues are intertwined. In today’s podcast, we chat with Nse Witherspoon, the Executive Director for the Children’s Environmental Health Network, about how we can create real systemic changes for a healthier, safer future for our children.


Episode 15: Lead and Drinking Water: Protecting Our Communities From Harm - May 20, 2021

In today’s episode, we talk about the toxic legacy of lead and drinking water in America – and what we can do to protect our communities from harm. You’ll hear from drinking water and public health advocates Lindsay McCormick, Program Manager for Environmental Defense Fund’s Health Program and Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director for Clean Water Action.


Episode 14: Roadmap for Reform: Protecting Our Water From Upstream Oil & Gas Activities - April 7, 2021

In today’s podcast, we discuss how loopholes in clean water laws and regulations allow the oil and gas industry to pollute our water across the country. Luckily, Clean Water Action has a plan to stop it and has released a new report, Roadmap for Reform, which lays out steps that the Biden administration and states can take to better safeguard sources of drinking water and water resources from oil and gas production activities. You'll hear from the author of the report, Andrew Grinberg, the National Campaigns Special Projects Manager for Clean Water Action and clean energy and clean water advocate, Myron Arnowitt, State Director for Clean Water Action in Pennsylvania.


Episode 13: Hazards in the Home - Protecting Our Families From Hidden Toxic Dangers - Mar 22, 2021

When we buy products we expect them to be safe, but toxic chemicals are hiding in everyday products and packaging all around us from cleaning products and food packaging to baby toys and electronics. In today’s episode we chat with Mike Schade, Campaign Director of Mind the Store, and Cyndi Luppi, New England Director at Clean Water Action about the most common toxic chemicals that could be harming our health and how we can work with retailers and our government to reduce exposure and harm.


Episode 12: Protecting Our Water, Climate & Health in 2021 with Lynn Thorp and Michael Kelly - Mar 5, 2021

We have a very special podcast today! Michael Kelly, Clean Water Action's Communications Director, chats with Lynn Thorp, Clean Water Action's National Campaigns Director, about Clean Water Actions key priorities and campaigns in 2021, the Biden’s Administration’s new executive orders on water, climate, and environmental justice, and critical bills moving through Congress with focus on transformative legislation - the For the People Act.


Episode 11: Moving Beyond Harmful Flame Retardant Chemicals in Consumer Products - Feb 9, 2021

In this episode, we chat with Elizabeth Saunders, MA State Director for Clean Water Action and Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow, and Kathryn Rodgers, a scientist at Silent Spring Institute, about their recent success in passing legislation to restrict the use of toxic flame retardant chemicals in consumer products in Massachusetts. You'll learn what these chemicals are, why they are used, where they are found, and how you can best protect your family from harm.


Episode 10: Lead in Drinking Water & Social Justice with Maureo Fernández y Mora - Dec 17, 2020

Today we chat with drinking water, environmental justice and social justice advocate Maureo Fernández y Mora, Associate State Director for Clean Water Action in Massachusetts. We discuss the health harms of lead exposure, how this affects impacted communities, and what actions we can take to protect our families and health from toxic lead exposure at the tap.


Episode 9: Give the Gift of Clean Water with Jon Scott - Dec 8, 2020

Today, we are doing a special podcast focused on all the ways you can support Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund to help power our clean water and environmental programs in 2021! 


Episode 8: Elections 2020 Podcast Takeover: Part II - Nov 19, 2020

Clean Water Action just celebrated a huge and historic win when voters decided Joe Biden will be the next U.S. President. Voters turned out in unprecedented numbers and we helped elect Clean Water champions on the federal, state and local level. Now we are preparing for a new Biden Administration. Listen to our team of Clean Water experts discuss exactly what happened, how Clean Water voters made a difference, and how we can fight disinformation and help shape a stronger democracy for our future. 


Episode 7: Elections 2020 Podcast Takeover - Oct 30, 2020

Elections got you worried? No need to stress - we'll help you get through the chaos! With the Election less than a week away, we thought we'd sift through the noise to bring you more meaningful conversations and provide you with the valuable information you need to be an empowered #CleanWaterVoter. 


Episode 6: Plastic Pollution - An Interview with Grace Lee, Director of ReThink Disposable - Oct 23, 2020

In today's episode we talk with Grace Lee, the Director of Clean Water Action's ReThink Disposable program which works with local governments, businesses and institutions, and consumers to minimize single use disposable packaging in food service to conserve resources, prevent waste and ocean litter pollution. We chat about the problems with plastic pollution and its link to climate change and how we can all work together to prevent waste before it starts! 


Episode 5: Fighting for Environmental Justice with Kim Gaddy - Oct 12, 2020

In today's episode, we chat with Kim Gaddy, Clean Water Action's Environmental Justice Organizer, about the new landmark Environmental Justice law in New Jersey. Kim tells us about her many years of activism and what motivates her as an organizer for change in her home town of Newark and across the nation to ensure environmental justice and clean water for all. 


Episode 4: Meet Clean Water Action's CEO & President Bob Wendelgass - Sep 25, 2020

In today's episode we chat with Bob Wendelgass, President & CEO of Clean Water Action about the organization's history, challenges & successes, what's at stake in this upcoming election, and an exciting upcoming national virtual event on Oct 14.


Episode 3: Clean Water Action Endorses Biden and Harris with Mary Brady-Enerson - Sep 10, 2020

In today's episode we chat with Mary Brady-Enerson, the Michigan Director of Clean Water Action, about the upcoming election and Clean Water Action's endorsement of Joe Biden for President and Kamala Harris for Vice President. We talk about Mary's work to get out the vote in her battleground state of Michigan, why it's important to stop the Trump Administration's reckless attacks on critical clean water and environmental protections, and why it's so important to vote (and how you can vote in-person and by mail).


Episode 2: Field to Fork with Laura Kastenbauer - Aug 29, 2020

In today’s episode, we chat with Laura Kastenbauer, Clean Water Action's Field to Fork Organizer, about her work to re-shape the state of our current food system dominated by corporate agriculture.


Episode 1: PFAS Water Pollution: A Victory in Colorado - Aug 19, 2020

In today’s episode, we will be interviewing Jennifer Peters, Clean Water Action’s Water Programs Director, to talk about her groundbreaking work to tackle PFAS water pollution in Colorado.

Clean Water Action is a national non-profit organization working for clean, safe, affordable water, prevention of health threatening pollution, creation of environmentally safe jobs and businesses, and empowerment of people to make democracy work.