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Fruitvale Community Restaurants: ReThink Disposable Case Study

Five local Fruitvale restaurants teamed up to reduce single-use disposable waste by over 187,600 individual pieces and over 3,240 pounds — annually. After an average payback period of 2.74 months, this group of restaurants will collectively be saving over $10,000 every year by purchasing fewer disposables, dramatically reducing plastic pollution in their operations, and providing real-time examples of businesses that are both eco-friendly and economical in the Fruitvale community.

How Alameda County Is ReThinking Disposables [Video]

Working with funding from StopWaste and Ocean Foundation and in collaboration with Gurdwara Temple, Julie’s Coffee & Tea, and Freight & Salvage, ReThink Disposable is excited to share this video highlighting the work happening in the Bay Area to reduce plastic waste. Each of these businesses are realizing significant reduction in single use disposable foodware and a savings to their bottom line!

Using Clean Water Act Discharge Permits to Protect Drinking Water Sources

The Clean Water Act has many tools that can be used to address sources of pollution that impact drinking water sources. This current guide focuses on how Public Water Systems can use Clean Water Act National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System pollution permits, which control surface water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge into surface waters, to improve and protect the quality of drinking water sources.