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By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director - Follow Lynn on Twitter
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Climate change is impacting us. And it’s not good. Pollution from power plants and other sources is affecting our food…our air…our water. It’s super-sizing things like hurricanes and droughts. If we don’t take action, it’s only going to get worse. So, don’t you think it’s time we did something about it? On September 21st, you’ll have your chance to demand action. Tens of thousands of people and more than 750 organizations are going to New York City on 9/21 for the People's Climate March. Leaders from all over the world are going to be at the United Nations’ Summit on Climate Change to chart a course of action to address the global warming crisis and we think they should hear from us. If you can make it to NYC, visit this page to RSVP. We’re joining the People’s March because everything we’re fighting for is impacted by a changing climate, especially when it comes to our water. Just this month, we saw how the algae blooms in Lake Erie, which get worse when temperatures rise, can lead to public health threats in drinking water. Climate change is water change and if we want to protect clean water, we have to take action now. You really can make a difference on September 21st. Join us demand the change we need to reduce pollution, build a new energy economy and help our communities address the impacts of climate change.  It’s going to take an historic show of support to make sure that our country and the world commit to acting on climate. Even if you can’t make it to New York, you can help spread the word. You can RSVP and learn more about organizing efforts for the People's Climate March in your area here. You can read more about Clean Water Action is doing to find climate change solutions here. As always, thank you for supporting Clean Water Action and for standing up for a cleaner future. We hope you’ll join us on in New York City on September 21; if you can’t attend, make sure your voice is heard in the fight to stop global warming. For Clean Water, Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director