Black Women of the Freight & Goods Movement!
There is no better time to learn about and most importantly acknowledge some amazing black women that have made significant contributions in America’s freight and goods movement industry!
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Celebrating World Water Day
March 22 is World Water Day, the global event raising awareness about freshwater. It’s about the water we drink. The water we enjoy for swimming and recreation. The water that is critically important to jobs and the economy. The precious resource that is essential for life itself.
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I'm 22 with a new job focused on clean water. Here's why I'm doing it.
Instead of paying for their mess, multi-billion-dollar industries are spending massive sums to influence Minnesota lawmakers. Our message is clear: We are open to partnership, but we are unwavering in our belief that polluters should pay. Only when this hits their bottom line will they be motivated to change.
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2025 Maryland Priorities at Crossover
On Monday, Maryland crossed a critical legislative deadline called “Crossover.” Except in extraordinary circumstances, a bill must have made substantial progress by this deadline to keep moving forward. With less than three weeks to go until the end of Maryland’s legislative session, here are the
The Ethics of PFAS and Taxing Polluters - And How it Impacts Your Bottom Line
Instead of paying for their mess, multi-billion-dollar industries are spending massive sums to influence Minnesota lawmakers. Our message is clear: We are open to partnership, but we are unwavering in our belief that polluters should pay. Only when this hits their bottom line will they be motivated to change.
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EPA Rollbacks: A Gift to Polluters
The Trump administration and EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin have launched a broad attack on environmental protections that safeguard our drinking water, address the climate crisis, and protect public health. On March 12, Administrator Zeldin announced a sweeping giveaway to polluters—a move in contrast to EPA’s mission to implement our environmental protection laws to protect human health and the environment.
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Clean Water in Crisis: The Devastating Impact of a 65% EPA Budget Cut
Now, our water is under siege—not only by natural disasters or corporate greed, but by a goal set by President Trump and EPA Administrator Zeldin: to completely gut EPA. Last week, Administrator Zeldin stated the goal of the administration was to cut EPA spending by 65%.
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We All Live Downstream - Clean Water Action Podcast
Welcome to We All Live Downstream: a Clean Water Action Podcast available on Spotify, iTunes, Google Play or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.
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