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True Facts about the Clean Water Act, part 1

The Clean Water Act turns 42 on Saturday. To celebrate we'll be sharing reflections on the Act, talking about the fight to protect clean water, and discussing what we can all do to put drinking water first. This is the first in our series, and it's a 2-parter, so stay tuned for more. 12 Clean Water
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The Last Oktoberfest?

The Clean Water Act turns 42 on Saturday. To celebrate we'll be sharing reflections on the Act, talking about the fight to protect clean water, and discussing what we can all do to put drinking water first. By Andy Galli, Maryland Program Coordinator. Follow our Maryland office on Twitter (
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Thousands Support Clean Water in the Nutmeg State

By Susan Eastwood, Program Coordinator - follow Susan on Twitter ( @sceastwood) On Monday, Clean Water Action presented the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region One Administrator Curt Spalding with thousands of comments from concerned Connecticut residents who care about clean water and want
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Dispatch from Japan

Clean Water Action now has eyes and ears on the ground in northeastern Japan. Former Connecticut Co-Director Roger Smith is investigating the tsunami recovery as he settles into a new position in the tourism section of the Town of Matsushima. The following is his first update from Japan: By Roger
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Together We Can Do Anything

By Elizabeth Saunders, Massachusetts Director - Follow our Boston office on Twitter ( @CleanH2OMA) Elizabeth and Her Sign

The People's Climate March was an incredibly powerful experience. The Clean Water Action Boston team joined a bus organized by Alternatives for Community and Environment, the
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The Mind Blowing Start of Something Big

By Bob Wendelgass, President and CEO. Follow Bob on Twitter ( @BWendelgass) Just part of Clean Team Water at the #PeoplesClimate March

24 hours later and I still can't get over it. 400,000. 400,000 people came to New York. 400,000 came to demand we take climate pollution seriously. To demand that
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