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From before we are born until the time we die, we are repeatedly and regularly exposed to toxic chemicals with the potential to seriously harm our health. Clean Water works at local, state, and federal levels to improve laws and policy, reduce exposure,  and find safer alternatives.

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Learn More about Toxic Chemicals

Living More Safely With Lead - Safety Tip Guide

Keeping lead out of house dust | Cleaning up lead dust | Avoiding contact with lead in soil | Safe Drinking Water | Lead Paint Safety | More ways to keep children lead-safe

PFAS Chemicals – Protecting Our Drinking Water And Our Health

PFAS are a class of human-made chemicals that very long-lived, which means that they remain in the environment and in humans and wildlife for a very long time. Clean Water is taking on pollution from these "Forever Chemicals" through education, research, working with impacted communities, advocating for legislation and regulation at the state and national level, supporting Safe Drinking Water Act monitoring, holding polluters accountable, and more.

Collaborating to Protect our Drinking Water - Let’s Put the Clean Water Act to Work

The Source Water Collaborative brings everyone from water utility associations to environmental organizations to planning professionals together to elevate the need to protect drinking water sources in decisions at the local, state and federal levels.

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