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Supercharged Streets in New York

By Melissa Everett, Connecticut Clean Energy Program Manager The streets of New York were supercharged yesterday at the People’s Climate March, not only by the sheer numbers but with the inventiveness of the communication that came up from the throng of well over 300,000. Posters, shirts, large
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YOU Can Be a Superhero for Clean Water!

By Jennifer Peters, National Water Campaigns Coordinator - follow Jennifer on Twitter ( @EarthAvenger) Are You a Clean Water Superhero?

Why do kids (and many grown-ups) love superheroes so much? Because superheroes remind us that when faced with danger or challenging obstacles, ordinary people can
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Americans Speak on Clean Water (Part 2)

By Phil Dimotsis, Organizer. Follow Phil on Twitter (@PhiluptuousD) Yesterday I shared with you just a few of the passionate words that people from across the nation had to say about the fight to protect clean water. There were too many, and too many good letters, not to share more. “From an
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Congress' Dirty Water Caucus: How do we combat stupid?

by Jonathan A. Scott, on Twitter @jscottnh Following Tuesday's US House vote to pass the ROPA Dirty Water bill (HR 5078, approved 262-152) we published this infographic on Clean Water Action's Twitter and Facebook accounts: We also published a link to information on how individual House Members
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Who Cares About Clean Water?

By Susan Eastwood - follow Susan on Twitter - @SCEastwood I live in Ashford, a town of around 4500 people that is 80% forested. We are truly rural. The Mount Hope River runs through our backwoods and the head waters are just a mile or two to the North. As I sit on my deck this morning, I notice the
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