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EPA Rejects Proposal for Pebble Mine

On Tuesday July 15, I had the privilege of attending my first hearing on Capitol Hill. I got there early to take it all in, and was the first one in the audience by a good fifteen minutes. Clean Water Action assigned me to listen and report on the hearing, held by the House Sub-Committee on Water
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Protect Clean Water, Protect the Merrimack River

By Shanene Pierce, Massachusetts Intern - Boston Office It wasn’t until I joined the cross-country team in high school that I began to pay closer attention to the Merrimack River and Valley that I called home. I used the winding paths along the Merrimack to challenge and build my running endurance
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Protecting Clean Water in the Real World

Ellen Gilinksy -the EPA Senior Advisor for Water- at event in Austin, Texas

It’s hard to imagine a U.S. House of Representatives more out of touch with reality. People support protecting water resources and getting in front of climate change and off of fossil fuels. Today, the Committee responsible

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Talking About #ProtectCleanWater

If you want someone to take action for clean water, the first step is to raise awareness of the problem. That's why we're out most evenings knocking on strangers' doors. When it comes to clean water, we're all on the same side.
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