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Still Fracking with Diesel After All These Years

By John Noël, National Oil and Gas Program Coordinator - follow John on Twitter Today our allies at the Environmental Integrity Project (EIP) released a groundbreaking report on the oil and gas industry’s use of diesel fuels in fracture fluids. As we’ve written before, the Energy Policy Act of 2005
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Abbott's Saber Rattling Prattle Against Protecting Our Water

Sadly, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott's August 11th letter to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) threatening to sue if it does not retreat from its plan to strengthen protections for the sources of our drinking water is more about politics and ideology than public health. For Abbott, it does not matter that EPA simply wants to return protections back to where they were during the Clinton and Reagan administrations.

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ReThinking Disposables

By Madison Davis, California Waste Program Intern Since starting my summer internship at Clean Water Action in Oakland, I’ve discovered how little I really knew about how disposable containers’ impact our environment. Of course as a life long environmentalist, I’ve always tried to do what I could

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Looking for Sustainability Abroad

By Lily Biggar, Communications Intern After an incredible summer spent interning at Clean Water Action’s DC office, it is finally time for me to move on to my next adventure! This Friday, I will be boarding a plane to Copenhagen, Denmark, where I will be spending the next four months studying
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Let’s #kickcoalash out of our communities

By Jennifer Peters, National Water Campaigns Coordinator. Follow Jennifer on Twitter - @EarthAvenger Join us for a coal ash week of social media action, August 4th - August 8th. Next week marks six months since Duke Energy’s coal ash spill, which dumped more than 39,000 tons of toxic ash and 27
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