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Clean Water? We’re in it for the Long Haul

by Jonathan A. Scott, editor, Clean Water Currents (on Twitter @jscottnh) Watch EPA Administrator McCarthy's March 25 call to #ProtectCleanWater

Since 2002, Clean Water Action has doggedly fought an uphill battle to restore Clean Water Act protections for some of America’s most important water
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It's About Time

By Bob Wendelgass, President and CEO (Follow Bob on Twitter - @BWendelgass) #ProtectCleanWater today! Click here to submit a comment.

Thanks to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) for finally announcing critical steps to fix a mess the Bush Administration
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Bye Bye Plastics

San Francisco Supervisor Chiu holds up a plastic water bottled filled with the amount of oil it takes to make just one bottle!

By Samantha Meyer, Zero Waste Program Manager - Follow the campaign on Twitter: @Rdisposable It’s already been a big month for cracking down on plastic pollution in
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