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Earth Week = Action to #ProtectCleanWater

By Michael Kelly, Communications Director - Follow Michael on Twitter: @MichaelEdKelly Earth Week kicks off today and what better way to celebrate than standing up for Clean Water? President Obama’s proposal to fix the Clean Water Act, which was broken by the Bush Administration, is open for public
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Cool Shades, Clean Water

by Jonathan A. Scott ( @jscottnh on Twitter) "What do hip-hop sunglasses have to do with Clean Water?" you might ask.   This is not an academic question. When Todd Wilkerson, founder and CEO of trendy eyewear company Shuttershades first approached Clean Water Action about supporting our organization
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Protecting Clean Water in Vermont: a flatlander’s view

by Jonathan A. Scott, Managing Editor, Clean Water Action News (@jscottnh on Twitter) First, I admit for the record that I do not live in Vermont. However, I can see Vermont from my house. It’s over there, right on the other side of the beautiful Connecticut River. Also for the record, as a New
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Protecting Clean Water: This is personal!

by Jonathan A. Scott, Managing Editor for Clean Water Action News (on twitter @jscottnh)   The Obama Administration is proposing to fix huge gaps in Clean Water Act protections by clarifying what streams, wetlands and drinking water sources are protected under the law. Clean Water Action is
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Putting Drinking Water First - A Real Win

By Lynn Thorp, Campaigns Director (follow Lynn of Twitter - @LTCWA) Waiting for Protection for More than 10 years

Putting Drinking Water First means making decisions about all of our activities with an eye toward their impact on our drinking water sources. Take action here. Why should we do that
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