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By Joyce Acebo-Raguskus, Clean Water Action Member and activist with the Coalition for a Safe and Healthy Connecticut "America's children are at risk of becoming the first generation in a century to live shorter, less healthy lives than their parents." – Dr. Philip Landrigan, Mt. Sinai Children’s Hospital This statement should be a wake-up call for all of us. Today babies are born with, on average, more than 200 industrial chemicals in their blood, including those linked to cancer, impairment of the brain and nervous system and disruptors of hormone systems. Half of men and one-third of women now living will receive a cancer diagnosis in their lifetimes. A large body of scientific evidence, including Dr. Landrigan’s distinguished work, links exposure to toxic chemicals in consumer products, beginning in the womb, with the rise in many serious diseases we are seeing in this country. None of us should be at peace with these findings. Read the rest at the Connecticut Mirror