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Mind the Store, Protect the Customer

By May Woo, Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow This originally appeared here With great market power comes great responsibility. Retailers hold the power to choose which products are available to consumers, and what ingredients go into store brand items. With a lack of federal regulation over toxic
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Keystone XL - Just Say No

By Aaron Haskins, Michigan Energy Program Intern For years, we have been heard a lot about the Keystone Pipeline. Oil companies like TransCanada continually reassure us that the pipeline will have minimal impact on the environment while creating thousands of jobs for both Americans and Canadians
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Clean house at Alcosan

By Tom Hoffman and Emily Alvarado This post was originally published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Included in the short list of issues that Mayor Bill Peduto raised with President Barack Obama back in November at a meeting of incoming mayors was a request for the Environmental Protection Agency to
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"Polluter Pays" Paying Off in Rhode Island - Part 2

By Jamie Rhodes, Rhode Island State Director (Follow Jamie on Twitter - @jrhodes97) Read part one here After Southern Union was found guilty of illegally storing mercury in Pawtucket, Judge William E. Smith, in an unprecedented move, in his opinion stated "I am inviting the parties, and the greater
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