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Dealing with Waste in the Ocean State

As the 2014 legislative session approaches, one key question bubbling in the Ocean State is what we will do to reduce waste in the most innovative ways. We’re pushing for a multi-tiered plan featuring the best ideas from local experts and cities and states across the country, which are making real
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The President Drops in on the California Drought

By Jennifer Clary, California Associate (Follow Jennifer on Twitter - @JenClary_Water) California’s drought is hitting the national stage. Two weeks ago, house Republicans passed a highly controversial bill (HR 3964) that would lift environmental protections so that water could be moved from one
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Solving this month's Pink + Green dilemma

You know the situation: Valentine's Day is upon us. You have at least one special person (maybe more than one) you want to remember with a card, gift or both. As usual, you waited until the last minute. Also, as a committed environmentalist, you want your Valentine's Day offerings to be special, but
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