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San Francisco Supervisor Chiu holds up a plastic water bottled filled with the amount of oil it takes to make just one bottle!

By Samantha Meyer, Zero Waste Program Manager - Follow the campaign on Twitter: @Rdisposable It’s already been a big month for cracking down on plastic pollution in California. March 3rd marked a historic day in the fight against plastic bags - San Rafael became the 100th California jurisdiction to ban single-use plastic bags! This is a huge accomplishment since San Francisco became the first city in the nation to ban plastic bags back in 2007. Recognizing that plastic bag bans are just one of the first steps in curbing our plastic addiction, San Francisco has already made its next move. The Board of Supervisors voted on March 4th to ban the sale of bottled water on city property. Now let’s hope that SB 270 – the statewide plastic bag ban – passes this legislative session and that other cities start banning bottled water! We’re doing our part too through our ReThink Disposable campaign. We’ve been working with restaurants and cafes around the Bay Area to replace disposable food packaging with real dishes. So far, we’ve gotten great feedback – restaurants are saving money, reducing waste and their customers are happier! Congrats California – we’re getting closer to kicking the single-use plastic habit.