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Clean Water Can’t Wait!

By Ben Davies Long Branch, New Jersey Field Canvass Director Living near the water, whether it’s the lake, the ocean, or a stream, has been an integral part of my life. I took that for granted for so many years. I’ve seen firsthand the impact of pollution on water if protections aren’t in place
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Why you should oppose the Keystone XL pipeline...

New Hampshire Clean Water supporter, energy/climate advocate and local sustainability leader, Marjorie Rogalski, recently wrote this open letter to her U.S. Senators, Jeanne Shaheen and Kelly Ayotte. A condensed version was later published in the Valley News, her local newspaper. Here's what she had
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Reflections from an Earth Day Water Warrior

By Amanda Sebert Join Me to #ProtectCleanWater!

As you know, for more than a decade, Clean Water Action, our members, and allies across the country have been fighting to restore protection to the small streams and wetlands that feed the drinking water for 1 in 3 of us. You can learn more here. Why
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My Clean Water Story

By Tim McDaniel, National Program Intern - Follow Tim on Twitter ( @TimMcDaniel365) This is my first time writing a post for We All Live Downstream, so of course I had to do my research. Most of the posts that I had read for my organization were about some major catastrophe or a campaign that we
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