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by Jonathan A. Scott (@jscottnh on Twitter)
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"What do hip-hop sunglasses have to do with Clean Water?" you might ask.   This is not an academic question.
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When Todd Wilkerson, founder and CEO of trendy eyewear company Shuttershades first approached Clean Water Action about supporting our organization we had to think about it (for a second, but not any longer than that). Here are some of the obvious answers: Everybody cares about clean water. We all have a stake in keeping our water clean. Right now is Earth Month. As far as we're concerned, it's all about the water.
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Cool Shades, Clean Water Clean Water is really important in the two places you might be likely to see Shuttershades in action this month: at the beach and on the town/clubbing or at your favorite music/dance venue.

At the beach – our beaches and all the places we enjoy water in the great outdoors are 100 percent downstream of everything else. You have to #ProtectCleanWater everywhere if you want to have a great beach experience. Most people get this.

On the town – Lots of clean water reasons here. First, the people you’re most likely to see at a dance club or music festival (including the ones in the cool shades) are people who care. They are passionate about their music and their fun, and they also want to make a difference in the world. Plus, clean water is an essential ingredient in every beverage (not even counting those ice cubes!). We like to say clean water = great beer, and you know this is true.

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Are YOU into cool shades, beaches, dancing and great music?
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And want to make a difference for clean water?
Here’s how: Donate Now In our fight to #ProtectCleanWater, we’re up against some of the most powerful and well-heeled polluters on the planet. Join us with your donation, and our chances of winning for our water just got that much better! Take Action Now Make your voice heard so there’s no mistaking where the public stands on the critical issue of protecting clean water.
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