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Plastic Waste – Our Responsibility 

We can all make a difference. It doesn’t have to take much effort – just a change of habit. Producers of plastic and packaging must also be held accountable for their actions and required to stop the cycle of plastics and pollution. Together, we can make even more of a difference.

2023 MD Legislative Session Wrap Up

Every year, Maryland's General Assembly meets for just 90 days at the beginning of the year. It was a busy, hectic legislative session, and it just ended on Monday! We've been hard at work lobbying and organizing for clean air, clean water, and healthy communities. Here's how our top priorities fared!

Let’s Get Composting DC!

Food waste is a significant problem for the environment and for food access. Even though 40 percent of our food goes to waste, the problem of food insecurity is particularly pronounced in the District of Columbia where 13.2% of all households were food insecure from 2013 – 2015.

Testimony on MD HB161, the Waste Disposal Authority Sunset Act

Today Clean Water Action testified on HB161, the Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority Sunset Act. This important bill sets up a review by the state Department of Legislative Services to consider whether or how this quasi-state agency, created by the state in 1980 to plan and finance trash incinerators, should continue.