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Publications by Clean Water Action Massachusetts

New England Currents | Summer 2024

In this Issue: National Updates, VICTORY! We Are Taking on Toxic PFAS Chemicals and Winning!, ReThink Disposable: We’re Building the Solutions to Plastic Pollution, Plate to Planet Campaign, When Young People Speak, the World Listens: Cathen Fontanilla Speaks!, Salem Workers are Building the Renewable Energy Future, Waterbury Home Energy Action Kicks Off Round 2!, Unfinished Busines: The Bottle Bill and Plastic Pollution

New England Currents | Winter 2023

In this Issue: Urge Your Elected Officials to Protect ALL of Our Water | We’re Taking on Plastic Pollution at the Source! | The Zero Carbon Renovation Fund — a Bridge to the Clean Energy Future | This Winter, We’re Fighting for Climate Justice
 (and Cozy Homes!) | What Do We Want for the Holidays? Legislation to Fight Toxics! | “What’s a Merf?!” Your Bottle Bill Study Commission Update | Celebrating with Our Members!

New England Currents | Summer 2023

In This Issue: Getting to Zero Waste: ReThink Disposable Launches in New England | States in the Lead: Our New England Team is Taking on Toxic PFAS Pollution | Victory! Rhode Island is Getting the Lead out of the Water! | Less Litter, Less Waste, More Recycling: The Rhode Island Bottle Bill | “We Still Can’t Breathe” - On the Ground at the Rally for Asthma Justice | Live in Western Massachusetts? Worried about your water? Contact us! | Energy Efficiency Campaign Launches Round 2! | Celebrating New England’s Environmental Champions!

Report: The Need to Enforce Waste Bans in Massachusetts

Every year in Massachusetts more than 40% of the waste in landfills, incinerators, or as litter (more than 2 million tons) is composed of materials that were banned from disposal long ago by Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection regulations. This report covers the scope of the problem and provides recommendations to eliminate this substantial portion of the waste stream.

New England Currents | Fall 2022

Check out our Fall updates in Clean Water Action's New England Currents -- Fall 2022 Newsletter.

More information about PFAS

Learn more about toxic PFAS chemicals by downloading our Massachusetts PFAS Fact Sheets below.