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Our Clean Water Priorities in the 2023 MD Legislative Session

Maryland's 2023 legislative session has begun! For 90 days stretching until April 10, advocates across Maryland will be busily at work passing legislation through the House and Senate and to the desk of our new Governor Moore. Here are the top bills that we'll be prioritizing at Clean Water Action and how you can take action - we can't do it without you!

Set Your Year Off Right: 17 Zero-Waste and Minimalist Tips for Decluttering Your Home

There’s no a better time than the beginning of the year to make a change in your home. Setting the intention to declutter and create a more sustainable and zero-waste home is a great goal to start off your year. It can seem overwhelming to begin your minimalist journey. But don’t worry, we’ve reached out to the experts across the US and Canada so you can kick start the year by making your home more sustainable!

Up in Smoke

On Tuesday, October 26th the Zero Waste Massachusetts coalition hosted a webinar on incineration in Massachusetts.


Plastic Pollution in Rhode Island: Part Two

In recent years, bills have been introduced to address polystyrene, plastic flatware, single-use water bottles and other plastic packaging. But, none have succeeded. The most efficient way to comprehensively solve the problem of single-use plastics, then, is with a statewide EPR bill.


What will Zero Waste look like in the City of Boston?

These days, there’s a lot of talk about zero waste, but what does it really mean? When we envision our average Joe going zero waste we think of mason jars, composting bins, and the elimination of single use products. But how about when a whole city goes zero waste?