Clean Water Fund is proud to announce that we will once again be participating in 401Gives, Rhode Island’s day of nonprofit giving powered by United Way of Rhode Island. Last year, thousands of donors collectively gave over $3.1 million to nonprofits across our state! This year, the United Way is working hard to make April 1, 2023 the biggest 401Gives ever. So big, that it can not be contained by one day - 401Gives will be an entire weekend event this year!
Clean Water Fund is raising money to educate the public about waste reduction, plastic pollution, and toxic chemicals. Your contributions fund initiatives such as: hosting legislators on a tour of the Rhode Island Materials Recycling Facility to learn about RI’s recycling rate, educating consumers about avoiding toxic chemicals like PFAS in everyday products, and empowering residents with information and support to reach out to their elected officials about protecting our waterways.
Like many of our friends and allies in the Rhode Island non-profit community, we are a grassroots organization supported by people power. You can help us to get ready for 401Gives!
- Bookmark Clean Water Fund’s 401 Gives page, and set a reminder for April 1st! When you contribute during 401Gives, your donation may be eligible for special matching funds.
- Spread the word! Share this blog post with your friends and post it on your social media accounts using the hashtag #401Gives. Tag us!
- Follow us on Twitter and Facebook, and share our 401Gives content on April 1st and 2nd.
- Share other organizations’ 401Gives content, too! We are all working together for a happier, healthier, safer, more just Rhode Island. Let’s lift up all of the wonderful nonprofits across our state.
On the weekend of April 1-2, 2023, whether you contribute a large gift to Clean Water Fund or spread the love between many organizations (some of our staff will be supporting rescue mutts!), we hope you will participate in 401Gives, an event that showcases the generous spirit of the community here in L’il Rhody.