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It’s Not Always Sunny in Philadelphia

By Bob Wendelgass, President & CEO. Follow Bob on Twitter - @BWendelgass It rained yesterday here in Philadelphia--which reminded me why we need to restore protection under the Clean Water Act to all our streams and wetlands. When it rained, lots of small streams in my part of the city popped back
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Risking Our Food and Farmland in Michigan

By Bruni Bezati, Lake St. Clair Program Intern

I am extremely disappointed with the Michigan State Legislature’s decision to pass a package of bills that allows industrial waste, like coal ash, to be used in roads, as construction fill, and most alarming of all, to be spread over our farm fields

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Responding to #ProtectCleanWater Myths

By Margi Armstrong, Lake St. Clair Program Coordinator Protecting all of our nation’s water seems like a no brainer. In fact, when I ask folks in my community to take action to fix the Clean Water Act and ensure that we protect our drinking water sources, the most common response is “Well, duh
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Project Stream Clean - #ProtectCleanWater

By Will Fadely, Baltimore Organizer - Follow Will on Twitter: @TrillChillWill Over the past few decades, Earth Day has become Earth Week. It’s a time for people and communities to connect with each other to take a stand for our environment and water. Earth Week and Earth Month give people a chance
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