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By Lily Biggar, Communications Intern After an incredible summer spent interning at Clean Water Action’s DC office, it is finally time for me to move on to my next adventure! This Friday, I will be boarding a plane to Copenhagen, Denmark, where I will be spending the next four months studying European models of sustainability at the Danish Institute for Study Abroad. While the Danes are far ahead of us in many regards (i.e. perfecting their signature jelly-filled pastry!), we should pay particular attention to the way that they approach the topic of sustainability. Their capital city Copenhagen—named the European Green Capital for 2014—has thrived off of a number of highly effective strategies for reducing carbon emissions while also increasing growth and quality of life. While it’s too early for me to give the full report, here’s a few interesting tidbits that sparked my interest:
  1. By 2025, Copenhagen plans to be the world’s first carbon-neutral capital city.
  2. Nearly 50% of city residents bike to work on a daily basis.
  3. Wind power provides over 20% of Denmark’s electricity. That’s more than five times that of the United States and more than any other country in the world!
Oh—and did I mention that the country ranked first on the UN’s 2013 World Happiness Report? Is it a coincidence that the greenest city is filled with the happiest people? Probably not. It’s time to stop looking at environmental action as a sacrifice and to start reflecting on how a cleaner and healthier planet can make for a better world.