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Protect Clean Water - Kids Get It

By Susan Eastwood, Campaign Organizer - follow Susan on Twitter ( @SCEastwood) Emil, age 8, said it best. “Don’t throw trash on the ground because when it rains, it washes into the river and dirties the drinking water.” Five year old Archie drew a contrast in bright colors, to compare “a happy fish
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Happy Birthday to the Clean Water Act

by Bob Wendelgass, Clean Water Action President & CEO, follow on Twitter @BWendelgass The Clean Water Act turns forty-two this weekend! When Congress overwhelmingly passed the landmark Clean Water Act in 1972, we set an incredibly ambitious goal: eliminate all water pollution. Before the Act, the
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Happy Birthday to the Clean Water Act!

The Clean Water Act turns 42 on tomorrow (10/18). To celebrate we'll be sharing reflections on the Act, talking about the fight to protect clean water, and discussing what we can all do to put drinking water first. By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director - Follow Lynn on Twitter ( @LTWCA) The
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Toward the Future of the Movement

Times Square during the People's Climate March

By Alex Papali, Organizer : Green Justice Campaign and Boston Recycling Coalition - follow the Boston office on Twitter ( @CleanH2OMA) The People’s Climate March in Manhattan last month was hailed as a watershed moment for the fast-growing climate
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True Facts about the Clean Water Act, part 2

The Clean Water Act turns 42 on Saturday. To celebrate we'll be sharing reflections on the Act, talking about the fight to protect clean water, and discussing what we can all do to put drinking water first. Four More Clean Water Act Facts (part 2 of 2) -- Learn these and you’ll be an expert by
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