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Shake It Off & Keep Your Eye on the Ball: Americans Expect Clean Water

Americans Expect Their Elected Officials to Protect Clean Water "The new Congress could be one of the most hostile to clean water and other environmental concerns, based on the new leadership’s extreme anti-environment records and positions. But that’s not what the American people want, and it’s not
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Dressing up like farmers...

By Phil Dimotsis, Campaign Organizer - Follow Phil on Twitter (@PhiluptuousD) This Halloween and in weeks to come, polluters and their industry lobbyists are dressing up as “family farmers” attempting to scare up support to stop EPA from protecting clean water. The attire they've donned this season
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Halloween costumes scary in more ways than one

By Amanda Sebert, Consultant and Deema Dabbagh, Environmental Health Intern, Massachusetts The chemicals in these costumes are what's scary...

This Halloween, we learned we have been scared for the wrong reasons. Our fears of ghouls and goblins are (probably) fictitious, but our newfound concerns
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Why I’m Blown Away by Danish Wind Energy

Lily Biggar; Former Communications Intern [Ed. Note - though we were sad to see Lily go, we're lucky enough to have her dispatches from Copenhagen] A month ago, after completing my summer internship with Clean Water Action, I wrote to say that I’d be spending the fall semester studying
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By Phil Dimotsis, Campaign Organizer - Follow Phil on Twitter (@PhiluptuousD) 739,794 comments...and counting!

Today was historic. Today we showcased nearly 750,000 public comments (that's three quarters of a million, and counting) from people like you to EPA Water's Deputy Assistant Director, Ken
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