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Celebrating the SDWA!

By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director - Follow Lynn on Twitter (@LTCWA) On December 9 th I spoke at a Safe Drinking Water Act 40 th anniversary Forum about why we have to stop using our drinking water sources as a dumping ground and our treatment plants as a pollution solution. The day’s agenda
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By Jennifer Peters, National Water Campaigns Coordinator - Follow Jennifer on Twitter (@EarthAvenger) Leaving 100 million tons of toxic, industrial waste in unstable, unlined pits near rivers and lakes sounds like a bad idea, right? Not necessarily, according to the CEO of Duke Energy. Earlier this
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The Shale Gas Dream: Is it Almost Time to Wake Up?

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By John Noël, National Oil and Gas Program Coordinator - Follow John on Twitter (@NoelJohnny) When it comes to the future of energy in this country, you’ve probably heard the terms “shale-revolution,” “bridge fuel,” or “natural gas is our clean energy future.” There are dozens of these
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Happy Birthday EPA

By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director - follow Lynn on Twitter (@LTCWA) [ED. Note - Like the best birthday greetings, this is a day late] Happy Birthday EPA! I learned on one of my favorite blogs ( This Day in Water History) that on this day [Ed. Note - yesterday, December 2nd] in 1970, the
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What a Week - Clean Water Action in Motion

By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director - Follow Lynn on Twitter (@LTCWA) It’s been quite a week for our Clean Water, especially for our National Program Team. Here are some of the highlights: Congressional Testimony on Cyanotoxins in Drinking Water: I testified before the U.S. House Energy and
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The Baltimore Bag Bill.

By Will Fadely, Baltimore Program Organizer - Follow Will on Twitter - @TrillChillWill Each week, Clean Water meets with residents and community associations and we continue to hear one overwhelming environmental concern – an abundance of trash in our neighborhoods. Whether we’re in Hampden
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