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Recycling the Bulb in RI

By Dave Gerraughty, Program Coordinator When I began thinking about how to create a voluntary program that would get Rhode Island residents to recycle fluorescent lighting, the biggest challenge was how to make it easy for people to get burned-out bulbs from their basements to a recycling firm
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Will EPA Finally #KickCoalAsh?

By Jennifer Peters, National Water Campaigns Coordinator - Follow Jennifer on Twitter (@EarthAvenger) After years of delay, EPA will finalize its coal ash rule on December 19th. Will it be strong enough to protect the hundreds of communities impacted by this toxic waste? Six years after our nation’s
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The SDWA - 40 years of Safe Drinking Water

By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director - Follow Lynn on Twitter (@LTCWA) Celebrating 40 years of Safe Drinking Water

Today is the 40 th anniversary of the Safe Drinking Water Act. Like our drinking water itself, a lot of people don’t think much about SDWA (pronounced Sid Wah) until there is a
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Seriously, FPL?

Did you know that in some states – including Florida – electric utilities are allowed to charge ratepayers for the costs of complying with environmental laws, even if the ratepayers were not the ones that caused the company to need to clean up its act?
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