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Factsheet: HB166/SB146 (Reclaim Renewable Energy Act)

For over a decade, Maryland has misclassified trash incineration - the most polluting method of producing energy - as "renewable," diverting subsidies away from real renewable energy like wind, solar, and geothermal power to give extra profits to polluting incinerator companies. In a year where


San Francisco Music Venues Raise the Bar for Sustainability: Case study on a reusable cup pilot at three San Francisco venues

In a groundbreaking initiative to combat single-use plastic pollution, several iconic San Francisco music venues took the leap towards sustainability by switching to reusable cups. Supported by San Francisco Environment Department and Clean Water Fund’s ReThink Disposable program, these venues teamed up with reusable cup providers r.World and TURN, leading the way in the entertainment industry.

Michigan Currents | Winter 2023

In This Issue: Water Affordability Package Advances in MI Legislature | Holding Polluters Accountable in Lansing | Enbridge Line 5 Propaganda is Everywhere, and So Are We | Progress On Public Power & National News: Urge Your Elected Officials To Protect ALL Of Our Water! | The Clean Water Act of 2023 | We Can Get The Lead Out Of Drinking Water | Federal Budget Update