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Publications by Clean Water Action Minnesota

Minnesota 2023 PFAS Prevention Package: Amara's Law

In 2023, Minnesota passed the strongest PFAS prevention legislation in the country. The legislation was named Amara's Law after Amara Strande, a young woman who grew up in an area contaminated by PFAS and diagnosed with an exceedingly rare form of cancer. Amara advocated and testified in support of the bills banning all non-essential use of PFAS chemicals, requiring manufacturers who are selling products in Minnesota to disclose if PFAS chemicals are present, and to close a loophole in the 2019 bill that ended the use of PFAS in firefighting foam.

Factsheet - MN Legislation Needed to Remove Toxic Flame Retardant Chemicals from Family Tents

An outdated 1975 Minnesota law continues to unnecessarily expose consumers, children, MN lakes, waterways and the environment to unnecessary toxic flame retardants in tents.

Factsheet - Bag the Plastic Bag Ban in Minnesota!

Minnesota plastic bag recycling is estimated to be less than 10%. Clean Water Action is working to remove the plastic bag ban preemption in Minnesota statute, which will return local control around this issue back to where it belongs — with each city and town in Minnesota.

Factsheet - Protecting Our Waters from Plastic Pollution: Boat Shrink-Wrapping in Minnesota

Minnesota leads the nation in boats per capita, and 80,000 to 300,000 of these boats are shrink-wrapped every year over the winter with millions of pounds of plastic used. Clean Water Action is supporting legislation in the 2024 Minnesota Legislature to encourage the collection, recycling, and tracking of boat shrink-wrap plastic.

Minnesota Currents | Winter 2023

In This Issue: Cumulative Impacts Rulemaking: How People Can Engage | Progress On PFAS | Welcome Our New Minnesota Deputy Director | Brunch For Better Success | Taking On Toxics For Safer Communities: Healthy Legacy | Reducing Waste And Saving Money With Rethink Disposable! & National News: Urge Your Elected Officials To Protect ALL Of Our Water! | The Clean Water Act of 2023 | We Can Get The Lead Out Of Drinking Water | Federal Budget Update

Minnesota Currents | Summer 2023

In This Issue: Minnesota Makes History with PFAS Prevention Package | In Memoriam: Amara Strande | Cumulative Impacts and the Role Clean Water Action Is Playing in Environmental Justice Work | ReThink Disposable In Minnesota: Meet Chloe! | Progress on Lead Removal | Thank You For Your Support This Year!