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Factsheet - Bag the Plastic Bag Ban in Minnesota!

Minnesota plastic bag recycling is estimated to be less than 10%. Clean Water Action is working to remove the plastic bag ban preemption in Minnesota statute, which will return local control around this issue back to where it belongs — with each city and town in Minnesota.

Factsheet: HB486/SB125 (Superfund NPL Disclosures)

There are 21 sites in Maryland on the Superfund’s National Priorities List: EPA’s list of the most hazardous contaminated sites in the country identified for long-term study and remediation. Contamination from these sites can travel through the air, water, soil, and groundwater to nearby land


Factsheet: HB166/SB146 (Reclaim Renewable Energy Act)

For over a decade, Maryland has misclassified trash incineration - the most polluting method of producing energy - as "renewable," diverting subsidies away from real renewable energy like wind, solar, and geothermal power to give extra profits to polluting incinerator companies. In a year where