60 organizations call for passage of the Reclaim Renewable Energy Act in 2024
Governor Moore, Speaker Jones, and Senate President Ferguson, The undersigned 60 organizations call on you to champion climate action and environmental justice by passing the Reclaim Renewable Energy Act (HB166/SB146) in 2024. Communities can’t afford to wait.
Factsheet - Bag the Plastic Bag Ban in Minnesota!
Minnesota plastic bag recycling is estimated to be less than 10%. Clean Water Action is working to remove the plastic bag ban preemption in Minnesota statute, which will return local control around this issue back to where it belongs — with each city and town in Minnesota.
Factsheet - Protecting Our Waters from Plastic Pollution: Boat Shrink-Wrapping in Minnesota
Minnesota leads the nation in boats per capita, and 80,000 to 300,000 of these boats are shrink-wrapped every year over the winter with millions of pounds of plastic used. Clean Water Action is supporting legislation in the 2024 Minnesota Legislature to encourage the collection, recycling, and tracking of boat shrink-wrap plastic.
Factsheet: HB486/SB125 (Superfund NPL Disclosures)
There are 21 sites in Maryland on the Superfund’s National Priorities List: EPA’s list of the most hazardous contaminated sites in the country identified for long-term study and remediation. Contamination from these sites can travel through the air, water, soil, and groundwater to nearby land
Factsheet: HB166/SB146 (Reclaim Renewable Energy Act)
For over a decade, Maryland has misclassified trash incineration - the most polluting method of producing energy - as "renewable," diverting subsidies away from real renewable energy like wind, solar, and geothermal power to give extra profits to polluting incinerator companies. In a year where
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