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Donald Trump Is Not Gone Yet

In the weeks and months leading up to Election Day, Clean Water Action didn’t just work to turn out as many votes as possible for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, along with other clean water leaders from mayors’ offices to state houses to Congress. We were also planning for what would happen on

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Election Day is Over. What Now?


Election Day has come and gone and we are pretty much where we expected to be -- in the waiting room. We may be here for a couple days, maybe even longer.

This is OK, this is how it should be.

Because every vote counts.

Voters came out in record numbers this year -- the biggest turnout in

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Are you ready?

In early 2016 I was out with some colleagues and one of them said, “We elected Reagan twice, Trump could win.” I chuckled and said “OK, boomer” to myself.


As my friend, Neil, recently wrote, everything we thought could happen under a Trump administration has. And then some.

So this year I

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The future is unwritten.

Neil Bhaerman is a Clean Water Action member and former Clean Water Action phone canvasser and Communications Manager. He currently directs communications for the Ohio Federation of Teachers.

I’m sorry. Four years ago, the week before the 2016 election, I wrote this, a look into a possible future

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Vote YES on 2 in Massachusetts - Ranked Choice Voting

I am an enthusiastic “every-time” voter. I enjoy looking up and down the ballot at the names of the people who I feel have earned my vote by being responsive to my advocacy and values. Whether it is a Presidential election in November or a sleepy town election where the incumbents are running

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