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Line 5 Decommissioning: Next Steps

Governor Whitmer and the Department of Natural Resources revoked and terminated the 1953 easement allowing Line 5 to operate in the Straits of Mackinac. This was a huge victory that Clean Water Action and our allies have been demanding and working towards for years. We are celebrating, but the fight to decommission Line 5 continues.
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Zero Waste for the Holidays

Winter is almost here and the season for holiday entertaining is fast approaching. While hosting any kind of gathering, it is easy to focus on convenience rather than on how much waste you are creating. Yet, every bit of trash generated will end up polluting the environment down the line. Waste and plastic pollution has become a global environmental crisis, threatening our waterways and oceans, wildlife, public health, and even our climate.
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In Massachusetts, we count every vote

Because “count every vote” isn’t just a slogan – it’s an acknowledgement that every single voter’s voice matters, and an affirmation that we will stand by our electoral process even – and especially – when it’s hard.

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