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I'm Excited To Be Here!

Hi, my name is Flynn!

I’m an aspiring UX designer, high school senior, basketball player, business owner, and most importantly, a sushi-eater in the Austin Metropolitan Area. I have recently been hired as an intern by Clean Water Action to work on web content and national/state issues, and I’m very

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Banning Unrecyclable Plastics in Montgomery County

Update: both Bill 32-20 and 33-20 have passed and been signed into law! For more about our work to move Maryland beyond incineration and toward zero waste, click here.

Here is our testimony in support of Montgomery County Council Bills 32-20 and 33-20, to ban unrecyclable plastics in Montgomery

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Solar Siting in Montgomery County: Testimony ZTA 20-01

UPDATE: The County Council is poised to vote on ZTA 20-01, and the most important of our concerns have still gone unresolved. Send a message to your Council representatives today: they must fix ZTA 20-01 to protect renting farmers and the Agricultural Reserve as a whole.


On October 5th

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New Jersey Solar Farms Offer Big Consumer Savings

A majority of Clean Water Action members tell us they’d be willing to pay a small amount extra each month to be able to get their electricity from clean solar energy, generated locally, near where they live.

New Jersey has recently joined a growing list of states where Community Solar makes it

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