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You know the situation: Valentine's Day is upon us. You have at least one special person (maybe more than one) you want to remember with a card, gift or both.
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As usual, you waited until the last minute. Also, as a committed environmentalist, you want your Valentine's Day offerings to be special, but you also want them to be green. I asked our friends at if they had any suggestions that might fit the bill. Here’s what they came up with: Paperless e-cards that will arrive on-time, while saving on postage, trees and more SmileBox and JibJab are both partnered with, so your Valentines communication can benefit Clean Water Action, too.
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Flowers are always appreciated
, and certified organic flowers help reduce impacts on our water and our health.
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A chocolate bear. Bears are not traditionally associated with Valentine’s Day, but an organic, fair trade chocolate one could be just the thing. Other sources for lower-impact fun Valentine’s gifts available via include: E-readers Haiti Artist Collective Shoes by TOMS Bambeco Home Essentials Novica Artisan Gifts Rodale’s Eco-Gifts (free shipping with code VDAY14) Maybe not all of these items can reach their special recipients by February 14. But that’s OK. Who’s going to turn down a nice chocolate bear, wearing really cool shoes, surrounded by beautiful fresh flowers, just because they arrive a day or two after the 14th? Besides, your e-card will still arrive on time no matter what, as long as you act before too late on the 14th. And any purchase you make using the above links also generates a nice donation for Clean Water Action. Learn more about Clean Water Action’s partnership with and how you can harness the power of your online purchases to support Clean Water. Happy Valentine's Day!