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By Michael Kelly, Communications Director - follow Michael on Twitter (@MichaelEdKelly)
The campaign to #ProtectCleanWater is in full swing and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) needs to hear from us. You can let EPA know that you support its proposal to restore protections to the small streams and wetlands that feed the drinking water for 1 in 3 Americans on Twitter tomorrow. EPA (@EPAWater) is hosting a Twitter chat tomorrow from 1pm – 2pm est.  You can follow along by searching for the hashtag #USWaters. Then you can ask a question or retweet @CleanH2OAction’s questions and @EPAWater’s answers. I can’t tell you how critical it is that EPA hears from people who support this vital proposal to protect clean water and #PutDrinkingWaterFirst. Polluters and their allies in Congress are doing everything they can to spread mis-information about this campaign to #ProtectCleanWater. Everyone who cares about protecting our water needs to push back and let EPA that the public wants to make sure that we protect the streams and wetlands that feed drinking water, safeguard communities from flooding, provide habitat for wildlife and support industries from beer brewing to fishing to boating and other recreation. Learn more here and submit comments to EPA here. Here are some sample tweets:
  1. TY @EPAwater for choosing to #ProtectCleanWater. What do you feel is the biggest economic benefit? #USwaters
  2. .@EPAwater - Will having clear defs on “other waters” bolster state & local level protections? TY for #USwaters #ProtectCleanWater
  3. What is your favorite body of water @EPAwater? Thank you for protecting mine! #Potomac River #ProtectCleanWater #USwaters
  4. .@EPAwater will this policy help to streamline EPA’s permitting process? #USwaters #ProtectCleanWater