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For 2017 highlights, look to Massachusetts

For those of us fighting for environmental protection in the United States, 2017 was not considered a banner year. But if you look beneath the surface of the decimated, damage-doing EPA, you found cities, states, companies and even everyday people doing the work that the federal government can’t be

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Resolve to Help Us Win in 2018

As the new year begins, we are gearing up for another legislative session in Maryland. Here are our priorities for this year.

Forest Conservation Act: Maryland is losing forest to development daily and we are not adequately replacing those trees. Forests are vital for the health of Maryland’s

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A Year with Clean Water

As 2017 comes to an end, I want to take this time to thank you for supporting our work through donations and calls-to-action. The letters and emails your give us online or at the door give grassroots credibility when we talk to your representatives about the issues that matter to you - whether it’s

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