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We Just Want To Say Thank You

Clean Water members and activists were one of the bright spots of 2017. Throughout the year member and activists like you sent messages, mailed letters, signed postcards, and made phone calls. You attended rallies and town hall events. You got involved and you spoke loud and clear.

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Holding TJX accountable for their failing score

Last Tuesday, November 14th, Clean Water Action joined Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families in releasing the second annual Retailer Report Card. This report grades popular retail chains on how they address the problem of toxic chemicals, that can pose serious health threats, in the products they sell

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Recapping the St. Paul & Minneapolis Mayoral Races

While Clean Water Action's endorsed candidates fell short in mayoral races in St. Paul and Minnesota, both cities elected progressive reformers who we look forward to working with to build greener and healthier communities.

In St. Paul, former City Council Member Melvin Carter beat a field of 10

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Fighting Big Oil in Texas

How would you react if oil drillers wanted to spread their toxic waste on an open field next to your drinking water supply? You would surely be as outraged as the people of Chireno and Nacogdoches were last summer when they reached out to Clean Water Action for help.

Thanks to the support of Clean

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Give to the Max to Protect Clean Water in Minnesota

It’s been a busy year here at Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund continuing our fight to protect our lakes, rivers, and streams, and to ensure safe and affordable drinking water for all Minnesotans. We need your help today on Give to the Max Day to keep fighting for clean water!

There was

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Oil Industry Wants It All in the Tax Debate [Part 2]

Fossil fuel champions repeatedly introduce legislation to eliminate the long-term monitoring requirements for enhanced oil recovery operations that use carbon dioxide (CO2). The CO2 Regulatory Certainty Act, introduced by Senator Hoeven and Daines, is a pure handout to the oil industry.

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