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An Extra Hour for Clean Power

The days are now getting shorter, and while we’ve rolled back our clocks we will not roll back our water protections. Here’s what your Maryland Clean Water Action office has been up to as we fight federal rollbacks and push Maryland forward.

Coal Free Waters- With a coalition of other groups, we are

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Save Our Forests in Maryland

Maryland is losing forests to development daily, but forests serve an important role in our ecosystem, and we cannot afford to lose them.

Forests have more value than just how their proximity increases property values. They're not just nice to look at; we cannot afford to chop down and fragment our

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Environmental Justice at the MA State House

Photo: Maria Belen Power - Chelsea GreenRoots (center), Andrea Nyamekye - Neighbor to Neighbor (left), Madeleine Scammell - BUSPH (right) testify at environmental justice hearing

Just last week at the Massachusetts State House, the Committee on Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture held a

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