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March Madness and the Climate Crisis

The calendar says it is officially spring now, but we're not feeling it on the ground in the Northeast. We just experienced our fourth Nor'easter in recent weeks, the "Foureaster" as friends are joking on Facebook. In my town of Winthrop, Massachusetts, we have been rocked by this "new normal" on our small peninsula with only two roads in and out of town.

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Complete Streets and clean air in Baltimore

If not for the snow, the Baltimore City Council would have held a hearing today on the Complete Streets ordinance, a bill that would help Baltimore ensure that roads are designed with the safety and wellness of all people in mind. Transportation planning that prioritizes public transit, bicycle, and

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Maryland's Legislative Update: Crossover is Coming

An important date is coming up on Monday in Maryland’s legislative session: crossover! At crossover, bills have to pass through one of the chambers and make it over to the other chamber. Bills that have not made it through one chamber by Monday will be effectively done for this year (of course

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Limit oil production. Protect California’s water.

California’s efforts to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions have earned it a reputation as a climate leader. Most of the state’s actions, however, have focused on the “demand-side” of carbon emissions: reducing energy consumption, increasing efficiency, using cleaner fuels and energy sources, and reducing vehicle miles traveled. However, as the country’s 5 th largest oil producer (recently falling from 3 rd), the state has never done enough to keep polluting fossil fuels from being produced in the first place.

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