The Powerful Commitment of Thanksgiving
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Scott Pruitt’s Latest Attack on Environmental Justice
Help us make sure that Scott Pruitt doesn’t increase the burden that communities of color face. Help us stop the rollback on coal ash protections.
Garbage Patch Kids: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
If you have read the news recently, you have probably seen an article or two about a recent study of the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”. The articles report estimates of plastic pollution in the trillions, and swaths of plastic waste that are the size of countries.
Those numbers might make it feel
A Toxic Relationship: Hospital Waste and Environmental Health
The last thing that I think of after I get a shot is “where does the syringe end up after (hopefully) being properly disposed of in the biohazard bins?” But it’s a question I’ve been harboring recently; does it just disappear or does it end up on the streets? This topic is briefly brushed upon
I’m with Her (Mother Earth): A Climate Affair
If you open up your social media feed you’ll probably notice a lot of news about incredible young people doing powerful things to influence policy, make the world a better place, or just being awesome. The youth are our future, which is why Clean Water Action decided to start a Youth Advisory Board
Protecting Groundwater to Protect Public Health
Clean water and public health are top priorities for us over at Clean Water Action which is why we are at the frontlines fighting for these issues in our State Capitol. We believe that access to clean, healthy and safe drinking water is the basis of health and wellbeing for everyone. For us, it all
ReThink Disposable: Stop Waste Before It Starts
Here in New Jersey, we love our local restaurants and shops. Let’s take a minute and appreciate them just a little more because they are helping Clean Water Action take on a huge environmental issue: single-use disposables.