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ATTENTION! Thanks to researchers in Seattle, WA, a recently released study demonstrated that eliminating a single source of toxic flame retardants—nap mats—from a day care center can drastically reduce children’s exposure to the hazardous chemicals. The results show that foam nap mats in childcare centers are home to numerous flame-retardants – and provides more evidence to encourage the phase out of these hazardous chemicals in children’s products. Childcare centers that use foam nap mats can have higher levels of cancer-causing flame retardants in their dust than those without it.

Write to your legislators today and urge them to pass S.1175 and H.1245this legislative session. These bills offer a solution to this chronic exposure.

Clean Water Action’s Massachusetts Environmental Health and Justice Organizer, Kadineyse Paz, interviewed crucial stakeholders that support the removal of toxic flame-retardants in children’s products and common household furniture in this video. These stakeholders included a mother, an elementary school teacher, and State Senator Cynthia Stone Creem, who spoke out on why they are pushing for S.1175 and H.1245.

“Children shouldn’t be in danger from toxic flame retardants found in nap mats that they play and rest on.  This study shows that removing these toxic flame retardant chemicals from nap mats would result in healthier environments for children.  This is yet another example of why it is so important that the legislature pass my bill to ban toxic flame retardants in children’s products.”–Senator Cynthia Stone Creem

Not only is Senator Creem alarmed about the issue, so is elementary school teacher Stephanie Crawford; she’s worried about the safety of the children she takes care of on a daily basis, but also her health.

“As an adult, I know that when I am sleeping, that it’s a time for my body to restore itself and grow. It’s alarming to know that when a child is napping during the day, that their bodies are being exposed and contaminated with toxic flame retardants while they are supposed to also be restoring and growing.” – Stephanie Crawford

Join Senator Creem and fight for the health of children! Write to your legislators TODAY to ban toxic flame retardants from household furniture and children’s toys.
