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Celebrating our Leaders in Massachusetts

On May 22, Clean Water Action gathered for our Annual Spring for Water Benefit in downtown Boston at Carrie Nation Restaurant and Cocktail Bar. We had the pleasure of honoring influential leaders who are making real change, and recognized Clean Water staff member Jeff Knudsen as he heads into

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Say No to Toxic Receipt Paper!

T.J.Maxx is a popular shopping destination for many Bostonians because it offers a wide variety of products at often discounted prices. It is almost like a routine for me to pick up some vegan snacks at the Allston T.J.Maxx on weekends. Every time I go shopping, I have the habit of collecting

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Making Polluters Pay Again

It’s 2002. I’m seven years old and sitting at my dining room table with my mom, eating breakfast and drinking a glass of orange juice. My mom and I are laughing about something when I knock the glass over. The juice spills everywhere – on the table and floor as I stare at the mess in shock. My mom

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Celebrating Safe Water Leaders in California

On May 7th, Clean Water Action California hosted our first Environmental Champions award dinner. We had the pleasure of honoring former chair of the State Water Resources Control Board, Felicia Marcus, Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia, and Senator Bill Monning.

The evenings remarks cohered around the

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