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Senate, Save the Land and Water Conservation Fund!

Last week, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee held a hearing on the Land and Water Conservation Fund, and Clean Water Action's Baltimore team traveled to the hearing to stand up for public lands. Armed with leaflets about the importance of LWCF - a popular, bipartisan program to

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ReThink Disposable for Plastic Free July!

This July, join millions of people around the world reducing their plastic waste. Clean Water Action’s ReThink Disposable program is excited to be part of the solution to plastic pollution – every day we work for cleaner streets, oceans and beautiful communities. Join us - together, we can make a difference and be a part of the solution!
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Support our campaigns to break free from plastic

When the summer weather’s nice, and even when it’s not, clean water means fun for everyone. Let’s keep it that way. Donate now to join Clean Water Action and fight the rising tide of single-use disposable plastic trash that threatens our water and our health. Clean Water Action’s award-winning

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Speaking Out for Our Lands and Water

Organizers from Clean Water Action and partner nonprofits, all clad in bright blue shirts reading “Fund LWCF,” could be seen scattered across the public seating area during Wednesday’s hearing of the House Committee on Natural Resources.

The clean water advocates had begun the day flyering outside

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