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The Swamp Creature is back in business!

Donald Trump promised to "drain the swamp" - but instead, he's brought the swamp back to DC, appointing federal employees who greenlight oil and gas development, endangering America's public lands, waters, and wildlife. David Bernhardt, the Secretary of the Interior, is the quintessential swamp

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How local governments help with sewage backups

Last year, over 5,000 basement backups were reported to 311 in Baltimore City. The number of basement backups has increased over the years with such a large number of people having to deal with the issue. Baltimore City’s Emergency Response Plan does not require the city to clean up after a

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Stormwater, sewage, sediment, and train derailments

Yesterday the city of Baltimore experienced a severe wet weather event that resulted in flood warnings throughout the DMV area, coupled with a water main break downtown. While the water main break is responsible for the day’s increase in train delays and a strong flow of murky brown water into the

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