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By Casille Systermans, Washington, DC Field Manager and Program Intern As a 23 year old, I must admit, I find myself feeling more than a little annoyed at the generations of US and world leaders who, in my view, have failed me and my generation by failing to act on the issue of Climate Change. In
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Let Them Vote!

By Bob Wendelgass, President & CEO You know what I’m sick of? Seeing important bills that would protect our water, fight climate change, and help build a clean energy economy never get a vote in the Senate. I think it’s time to do something about it so our Senators can start representing you and me
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New Rule = Healthier Drinking Water

By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director Yesterday's announcement by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that it has finalized revision of the "Total Coliform Rule" is probably not going to grab a lot of headlines. But, it is significant in a number of ways. First, this revised rule
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California: The Next Frack Frontier?

By Andrew Grinberg, California Program Associate As the fracking fight comes to California, our state government is finally getting on the bandwagon and will begin to regulate the dangerous oil and gas extraction process. The Department of Conservation (DOC) issued the first draft of proposed
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