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Wish list for 2019: healthier holiday gifts

I hope that the holiday season was for you a time of joy and togetherness. If you’re like many people, December also meant shopping—for friends, family, or even yourself. Gift giving is a way to show kindness and appreciation to our loved ones, but all too often we may give gifts that cause unintended harm as well.

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Leaders of the future are here now

You know that Clean Water Action fights for clean air, clean water and healthy communities, but did you know we are also helping to train and mentor the next generation of environmental leaders? Our Youth Action Council offers opportunities for Boston area students to raise their voices in the movement and our internship program gives an in depth experience to two rising leaders each semester.

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A Message of Reinvigoration and Strength: Jeremy Shenk

Interview by Nina Frame

This is the third in a series of interviews with Clean Water Action Massachusetts Advisory Board Members.

Jeremy Shenk is a proud father of three looking to better the world for Generation Z with the help of Millennials. He formerly coordinated the Green Justice Coalition

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A good day for women, a good day for the environment

As a woman, environmentalist, and intern at Clean Water Action, waking up in Massachusetts on November 7 th felt pretty good. All 17 candidates that Clean Water endorsed in Massachusetts won their races, meaning that strong advocates for the environment will be taking office all around the state.


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