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March 22 is World Water Day, the global event raising awareness about freshwater. It’s about the water we drink. The water we enjoy for swimming and recreation. The water that is critically important to jobs and the economy. The precious resource that is essential for life itself.

This year's official World Water Day theme is “Save our Glaciers.” Wait! What?!!! This call to action is an important reminder. Our changing climate and the pollution driving those changes spell sure and certain peril for our water, too. That’s what we mean when we say “Climate Change is Water Change.” The steps we take today for climate solutions will bring immediate benefits for our water, as well.

Aerial view of glaciers and mountains in Denali National Park, Alaska

This “Glaciers” theme really resonates with me, personally. A few years ago (I won’t say how many), I was fortunate to be able to climb Denali, North America’s highest peak. My youthful mountaineering career also included a challenging ascent of Wyoming’s Middle Teton. Neither of these summit experiences would be possible today – the glacier routes I took back then no longer exist today. They’ve melted away, most likely forever. But it’s not too late to stop the pollution and climate change that are responsible for extreme storms, flooding and drought – the same pollution challenges that are making water pollution much, much worse.

That’s why I’m more motivated than ever to fight for clean water – for clean water that is fishable, swimmable and drinkable for all people and communities. Now is no time to abandon our clean water goals and hand everything over to polluters and their allies in government. Join me and Clean Water Action with your most generous gift, today. Our water needs us now.

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